As a Lake Charles investor, it is important to know when to request a specialty inspection to a property you wish to buy. Learn more about specialty inspections and what to look for in our latest post.
A specialty inspection is used to check things out that aren’t readily available for a general inspector to inspect. A specialty inspector will check out things that an average inspector isn’t able to see or qualified to find. Using a specialty inspection will cost you up front, but could ultimately save you thousands in the long run. Below, we will outline the roles of specialized inspectors and how hiring one can help investors make wise purchasing decisions when buying properties in the Lake Charles area. We will also let you know what a specialty inspector can look for and what you will need to pay.
Things To Look For
During a standard inspection, your property inspector might notice red flags that should prompt you to dig a little deeper. Or maybe you have noticed issues on your own, and need a specialist to help you out. Either way, when it comes to having the property inspected, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. It’s time to call in a specialist when you suspect there are problems in areas a standard inspector isn’t able to reach or that are out of the scope of a general inspection.
What Can It Help Me Find?
Specialty inspections can help you find many things a standard inspection wouldn’t. While most properties don’t require the use of a specialty inspector, it is always wise to use one if needed. The small cost upfront can possibly save you thousands down the road. Specialty inspections are used for things like sewer lines, chimneys, and mold testing. You can also order a specialty inspection to check out the dirt the house is sitting on. People have the soil tested for contamination or to determine if the property will be subject to flooding or landslides. Some companies offer infrared thermal imaging services which can detect surface temperature variations, which often is a sign of damages from plumbing leaks, HVAC leaks, contained moisture, or missing insulation. This is a convenient and reliable way to find out what is really going on behind your walls.
The Price Of Speciality Inspections
The types of inspections you can have done vary widely as do the prices. If you hire someone to come in and check out the roof, it might cost less than an in-depth look at the septic tank. Inspections of these sorts can run anywhere from $300 to $1,000 depending on what is involved. Many inspection companies offer specialty inspection services in addition to their standard inspection service. You may be able to strike a deal if multiple inspections are ordered. Before hiring any inspector, make sure to verify their background and credentials. They need to be qualified for the task at hand.
Buy From Reputable Sources
To avoid having to do these sorts of inspections in the first place, make sure you are buying your Lake Charles investment property from a source you can trust. Prestigious Properties, LLC always has an inventory of high-quality properties readily available. And like you, we are investors looking for only the highest quality properties at the best prices. If you choose to purchase from a distressed property owner, make sure to have everything thoroughly inspected, utilizing specialty inspections whenever you deem necessary. Spending a little extra time and money before you buy, can help to save you a fortune down the road!